our mission

to transcend the norm with an unforgettable experience to deeply connect with others while helping them look and feel amazing. Our passion is to be a conscious force for the greater good...and to always do  kick-ass hair!

find your bliss

ananda is Sanskrit for extreme happiness, joy, bliss. It refers to a joy that “changes and dances itself in many ways to enthrall your mind and keep your attention occupied and interested forever.” At ananda, our goal is for everyone to leave our salon experiencing some of that joy.

aligned with Asheville

Much like our hometown of Asheville, ananda hair studio strives to be a place where creativity and inclusiveness blossom and grow. We encourage it every chance we get!

For almost 30 years, it’s been ananda’s mission to grow along with our vibrant community through education-based styling with a sustainable product line, meaningful service, and partnerships with local organizations, artists, and non-profits. We want to be a part of the conscious community for the greater good that we serve.

Our goal is always to create an extraordinary experience, to serve, to educate, to inspire, and to help people feel amazing!

reimagining the salon experience

When Larry Hopkins founded ananda hair studio in downtown Asheville in 1995 his goal was to create a space for hair artists to harness their strengths and do great hair while also giving back to the community. He felt it was important for stylists to be around other artists to feed off the area’s creative energy, and we feel that way to this day. Following the success of the downtown studio, ananda opened a second location in 2013, ananda hair studio west, in the heart of Asheville’s River Arts District.

With an eye to grow the company and change the perception of the salon business. The ananda hair studio team is working to change the traditional commission salon model into a totally transparent, hourly fee and gratuity free payment structure that benefits the clients, the stylists, and the entire salon team.

By supporting the culture and the hair artist, ananda hair studio continues to grow and moved all operations to the flagship location in 2024 in north Asheville. The goal is to spread happiness through connection and hair by opening more salons in the future!

evolving salon culture

At ananda hair studio we strive to create and maintain a culture that promotes sustainability, fosters creativity, and supports diversity, all while delivering dynamite cuts, color and styling services.

We believe that everyone, even the most experienced stylist, has room to grow. We focus on education and professional development so our stylists are always learning and honing their craft. We aim to never stop growing and provide a nurturing environment for every member of our team. The ultimate goal is the realization that there is strength in collaborating and learning from those around us.

With the support of our Asheville community and the hard work of our amazing team, we adapted and initiated the big shift to hourly pricing. Our services are now gratuity free and gender free. Elevating the profession to new heights for the career stylist and transparent pricing for our clients.

connect.experience.transcend = values

awareness = everything

Awareness is recognizing the impact we have on ourselves, others, and the world around us. embracing awareness prompts us to make conscious choices, take ownership of our actions, and make the world a better place.

transparency = shining the light

honesty is key to our integrity and establishing trust with our team and guests. that’s why our hourly service sessions are completely transparent and gratuity free, pricing is based on stylists’ education, experience, skill, and demand.

curiosity = why we seek education

It’s the driving force behind continuous learning and exploring new possibilities for personal and professional growth. it is essential to be curious. 

sustainability = planet, people, profit

ananda hair studio is an ecosystem of personal care and connection. this extends to the way we treat you and the planet. we make decisions based on our impact. 

diversity and inclusivity = supported, accepted, respected and safe

We are a safe space of purposeful inclusion where all gender identities, races, sexual orientations, faiths (or lack thereof), are met with respect. we honor the diversity in our team, our clientele, our community.

community = support

Community is an ecosystem of values, connection, and collaboration.  We are focused on growing a community inside our salon and supporting the community outside our salon. 

innovation = a step ahead

Innovation is at the heart of our hair salon's ethos, driving us to continually evolve and revolutionize the beauty industry with conscious creativity in all aspects of our studios.

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