stylist for 15 years

book an appointment with Maylynn Oswald


meet Maylynn!

specialties: precision cuts, razor cuts, long hair, gray coverage/touchups, blow-outs, scalp massage, keratin.

i have spent the last nine years dedicated to becoming a cut specialist in the heart of atlanta. the mountains of north carolina have always felt like home to me so i’m excited to bring my craft here! i’m a country music fanatic, certified yoga teacher, & an avid snowboarder.

what makes your hair brain sing? i enjoy building relationships with clients and being someone they can trust with their hair. anything from small changes to big transformations excite me. i love utilizing different tools & techniques to customize haircuts & then teach you how to recreate that look at home.

go-to davines product: i have been loving the liquid spell for a beautiful blowout combined with the hair refresher as a dry styling spray to give the hair a little extra boost.

what you love about ananda: i love the culture! everyone is welcoming & willing to help. it's such a positive & supportive environment to be in. it's a wonderful place to learn from others and grow as a stylist.

fun fact about me: i'm half korean

Maylynn Oswald’s bookable skills

  • Bobs
  • Lived-In
  • Long Hair
  • Pixies
  • Precision
  • Razor
  • Short Hair
  • Transformational
  • Gray Coverage
  • Root Coverage
  • Blow outs
  • Keratin

make an appointment for hair cut, color, or styling at asheville’s favorite hair salon

booking with ananda hair salons supports fair living wages and sustainable, eco-friendly hair care. book directly with Maylynn Oswald below.
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